PR and Media Professionals celebrate National Public Relations Day in association with the Press Club of India

New Delhi, India, April 24 – Public Sector Public Relations Forum (PSPRF) , celebrated National PR Day in association with the Press Club of India and PR Society, Delhi. The event aimed to deliberate on PR challenges in the future and to acknowledge and honour the contributions of Public Relations professionals, Mentors, and Gurus in the industry.
Shri Anuj Dayal, Principal Executive Director,(Corporate Communications) DMRC, Shri P D Hindwan, President, PSPRF, Shri S S Rao, Chairman, PR Society, Delhi, Shri Amandeep Singh, VP, PNG Marketing, Indra Prastha Gas Limited Mehtab Alam, Khan Head, Program Committee, Press Club of India, were present on the occasion.
While complementing PR Society for organizing this event, Shri Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE, said in his message that Public Relations is not an alternative to other related disciplines; public relations is fundamental in all fields. He complimented PRSD and PSPRF for their dedicated efforts to accentuate the skills and knowledge of corporate communication professionals.
The event was organized to provide a platform for industry leaders to discuss the challenges and opportunities of PR in the digital age. The event’s theme was “Digital Media & PR: Mastering New Age Challenges,” It saw the participation of some of the industry’s best speakers.
The event included the felicitation of President of the Press Club of India and an eminent Media personality, Shri Umesh Kant Lakhera, Shri R.K. Nair, Former ED (CC) , NTPC , PR veteran and Professor Smt Jaishree Jethwaney, Head of Corporate Communications for the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Shri Anuj Dayal honoring with the Life Time Achievement Award for their significant contributions to the PR and Media industry. Shri R.K. Nair is one of the founding members of the Public Sector Public Relations Forum (PSPRF). Ms Jaishree Jethwaney is an award-winning PR veteran and Professor. Shri Anuj Dayal is the head of Corporate Communications for the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation with over 35 years of experience in Management and Communications. Shri Uma Kant Lakhera is the President of the Press Club of India and an eminent Media personality in Delhi.
Shri Amandeep Singh, Vice President of Indraprastha Gas Limited, delivered a keynote address on “Challenges of PR in the Digital Era: the Domination of Big Data, AI & Analytics.” He discussed how PR professionals could leverage the power of Big Data, AI, and Analytics to create effective communication strategies.
Shri Deepak Goel, Group CEO of Digitally Next New Delhi, spoke on “Digital Journalism: Opportunities for PR & Media Professionals.” He shared insights on how PR professionals could navigate the new-age digital journalism landscape to create effective communication strategies. Shri Sarvesh Tiwari, Vice Chairman , PR Society , presented Vote of Thanks.
Overall, the event was a great success and helped shed light on the various aspects of PR in the digital age. It provided a platform for industry professionals to come together, network, and discuss the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
The Public Relations Society Delhi (PRSD) and Public Sector Public Relations Forum (PSPRF) are associations of PR Professionals with a vision to promote the recognition of public relations as a profession and its vital role in the management of organizations’ business. The societies have on board professionals from disciplines such as Media, Corporate Communication, and Corporate Affairs and professionals associated with CPSUs, Government, Public and Private Sector, Multinationals, Media Educators, and Veterans of the PR Profession.